Answering the, 'which car should I buy?' question.

With the myriad of makes and models that are out there these days, trying to figure out which vehicle is the right one for you can be akin to trying to solve Rubic's Cube, blindfolded. There are so many combinations and competing claims, where do you begin?

As with any process involving a major purchase, the first step should involve starting some research by reading as many reviews as possible while thinking about what your most important need or desire is in a vehicle. Maybe you feed on speed, or require compactness for easy parking. Perhaps storage capacity or reliability ratings are at the top of your list. Or maybe it's power, safety, luxury, gas mileage or passenger capacity. Reasons for choosing the vehicles that people do can vary greatly within the spectrum of desire vs need, so it's important to think about and rank your priorities. You can even create a 1-10 list of the most important to the least important benefits or features, and then decide which ones you can cross off the list, if any.

Just remember that although it's possible to find your perfect car or truck, the reality is that it often involves some trade-offs. What you may gain here, you may lose there. As long as you pick your top three-to-five features and stick with them in your vehicle search, there's no reason you can't be happy with your purchase.

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